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Canine Hairdresser

Questions and Answers

Common Inquiries

I know that letting someone else take care of your pet can be difficult. To make the process a little easier, I’ve put together some of the questions I’m frequently asked. If there’s something I’ve missed, just reach out and I’ll do my best to help.

Why is my appointment scheduled within a 2-hour interval instead of an exact time?

There are many reasons why we schedule within a 2-hour interval. For examples: traffic, weather, and how much time was spent with the previous customer can all cause delays in our schedule. With this in mind, the groomer may be ahead or behind with her schedule, making it difficult for us to give you an exact time. Each customer is important to us and we do our very best to stay on time. However, when an unforeseen event occurs, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Do you need to hook up to my home for power or water?

We will need to plug in for power. As for water, the trailers have two separate water tanks; one is filled daily with fresh water and the other stores the used bath water and is emptied at the end of the day. Our trailers are equipped with a water heater to provide warm water on demand.

Do you groom older dogs and cats, puppies and kittens?

Yes. We have no age restrictions on the pets we groom, but an accurate groom time will be hard to estimate. Please see Policy Agreement.

Why is a 'shave down' sometimes more expensive than a regular haircut?

The severely matted dog has very thick hair, is excessively dirty or has other conditions which make shaving not only more difficult than a normal haircut, but usually necessary. Stripping, especially a dirty matted coat, also subjects our clippers and blades to wear and tear which can be costly to maintain or replace. In addition, great care and extra time is required in an effort to shave the coat properly.

My pet has a lot of mats/tangles. Is it necessary to shave them out?

It depends on the severity of the matting/tangling. Minor mats may sometimes be worked out, but many times shaving or stripping is necessary. Severe mats can cause skin irritations and hide other conditions such as hotspots, dermatitis, seborrhea, cuts, scabs, sores and redness. It is not unusual to encounter these problems when the coat is stripped from a badly matted animal, and it is definitely in your pet's best interest to address them.

What can I do to keep my pet from matting?

Here are a few tips that should make your life and more importantly your pets life a lot easier. If you don’t have time to comb your pet all the way down to their skin (not just the surface with a wire brush), don’t bathe him! Call us instead, washing a tangled dog or cat will have the same effect as washing a woolen sweater in hot water! The tangles shrink and tighten as they dry. Before their bath, completely brush and comb their hair to the skin. Concentrate on the chest, stomach, Hines (butt) area and armpits where friction cause the most tangling. Check with a fine comb under his collar and right behind his ears. These areas tend to tangle the most. Ask your groomer to show you the correct combs and brushes to use. Use products made specifically for your type of pet as over-the-counter shampoos have generally harsh soap & detergents. Remember, your groomer would much rather groom a happy, mat-free pet than one that is miserably tangled and thinks groomers are bad guys because they pull their hair!
If this sounds like too much work for you to do on a regular basis (at least every other day) it may be best for you to keep your furry friend in a shorter cut. Shorter haircuts are much easier to maintain and in most cases are more comfortable for your pet.

Will you de-mat my pet?

Severely matted pets will be recommended for and receive a “shave-down”. In most cases trying to de- mat a pet may cause severe anxiety and pain on top of already sensitive and irritated skin. We MAY de-mat for an extra fee but ONLY if the mats can be removed painlessly within an hour. Please see Policy Agreement.

Can I inspect the mobile salon and stay with my pet during grooming?

Due to safety and insurance liability issues we can’t have you or your family in the mobile salon during your pet’s appointment. We will gladly give you a tour of our salon before we begin your pet’s groom. All grooming tools and surface areas are cleaned and sterilized after each use. We use disinfectants recommended by veterinarians that kill both bacteria and viruses.

Can I come check on my pet during their grooming appointment?

We ask that once your pets grooming begins that you not come knock on the door/windows. The reason we ask this is for the safety of your pet. Many of the grooming tools we use are very sharp & we don’t want your pet to get alarmed or hurt during their stay with us. Also once your pet has seen you or heard your voice it makes it extremely hard for the groomer to get them back to a relaxed state in which we can safely resume grooming. You are more than welcome to call or text if you have a question.

Why is mobile grooming more expensive than a grooming salon?

Mobile dog grooming is more expensive for the following reasons:

  • Mobile dog grooming is a luxury service in which you are paying a little extra for a lot more attention to detail.

  • It’s convenient for you as well as your pet. We come to you, so you don’t have to make 2 trips to the grooming salon to drop off your pet and then pick them up again hours later.

  • Your pet will never be sitting in a cage waiting for their turn.

  • There are no other pets in our mobile spa so your pet wont be stressed from other noises and distractions.

  • Your pet will never be stuck in a cage dryer for hours with no water.

  • Most grooming salons, depending on their size, are able to take on 3-8 pets per hour. Those pets are typically shuffled between preppers, bathers, and groomers not allowing them much time to become familiar with any one person. With us your pet is with the same groomer from start to finish, is never rushed through the process and is always given breaks when they need them.

  • Our mobile grooming salon is cleaned and sanitized after each and every groom to prevent spread of sickness, fleas, or ticks onto your pet.

  • We will give your pet all of the patience and reassurance that they need; Striving to create a positive and stress free grooming experience.

Do you sedate dogs?

We do not sedate dogs. These dogs need to be groomed at a veterinary clinic with a vet on site in case of any reactions or problems.

Do you groom cats?

Yes. We groom cats.

Should I brush my pet at home?

 Absolutely! Short, medium, or longhaired pets all benefit. Brushing/combing helps to stimulate and distribute the natural oils produced throughout the coat, as well as remove dirt, debris, tangles, and dead undercoat. Pets love the special attention. It can be soothing and can create more of a bond between you and your pet. We can even offer suggestions on the correct techniques and equipment you need for your pets' coat type if you like.

Will my pet be put into a cage to dry?

No. Your pet will be groomed from start to finish, all by hand.

How long does grooming take?

Typically, grooming takes about an hour to two hours, but it varies depending on the coat, breed, and the temperament of your pet.

Doesn’t frequent bathing dry out the coat?

No, weve never seen dry skin or coat because of frequent bathing. Due to skin allergies, most Veterinarians/Dermatologists’ recommend that pets be bathed weekly. The frequent cleansing process is what helps allergy skin sufferers.

I’d like my dog to be groomed on a regular schedule, can you set that up?

Yes we’d be happy to. We can leave you an appointment card and will send you a reminder notice before each scheduled appointment. We would encourage you to pre-book as far in advance as a year. Advance appointments will be scheduled around holidays, training events for us, or any vacations that we may take. Mobile groomers do not groom as many pets as stationary groomer’s can. Once the schedule is filled, we will not be able to accept any more new customers and will require a waiting list. Pre-scheduling appointments for existing customers guarentees that your pet will always have their grooming appointments, as needed.

What vaccines do you require?

We do not require vaccination records for us to groom your pet. We do strongly recommend that your pet be up to date with their vaccinations for your pets health and well being.

What if my pet is sick – should I reschedule my appointment?

If your pet shows any symptoms/signs of being sick – for example: vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, lethargy, excessive seizure activity or anything else that seems to be out of the ordinary, please make an appointment with your veterinarian right away! If you have already seen the vet, and your pet is not contagious in any way, it will be ok, provided your pet is able to withstand the grooming process.

What is the best way to make an appointment?

You can call or text 602-622-0510, email at, or book new appointment here.

What do I need to know in order to prepare for my first appointment?

You will need to read our website thoroughly. After determining that Mobile Pet Grooming meets your expectations, please contact us. First time paperwork will need to be completed ( New Client and Pet Information Forms , signed Policy Agreement) , and sent back to us and ready to go over at our first visit.

Why are prices not listed on your website?

The rates will differ from pet to pet depending on breed, size, temperament, condition of your pet’s coat, as well as the grooming style desired. Prices are quoted for regularly groomed, mat free pets. Estimates may be given over the phone, but an accurate price quote cannot be given until we meet your pet.

What methods of payment are accepted?

Payments with cash, check, zelle, or credit card is due when services are rendered. There is a $4 surcharge assessed on all credit card payments.

What if I cannot keep my regular scheduled appointment and have to cancel?

If you cannot keep your appointment, please contact us AT LEAST 24 hours in advance so we may fill your spot. Failure to call 24 hours before your appointment or failure to have your pet available at the scheduled time WILL result in a charge of $50, which must be paid prior to your next appointment. All scheduled multiple pet clients, who may decide not to groom one of their pets at the last moment, WILL be responsible for part or all of that pets grooming charge. Once we are no longer able to take new customers, it may not be possible to reschedule appointments and other arrangements may have to be made.

How often should my pet be groomed?

We recommend that your pet is groomed every 4 to 8 weeks. This all depends on the breed, how often they are brushed and the length of the coat. Please ask your groomer the schedule they recommend for your pet.

Can I have my pet washed in my own shampoo?

We have a large variety of premium shampoos for almost every coat type, although we would be happy to use any preferred pet-safe or veterinarian prescribed shampoos.

Please get in touch with any questions, no matter how big or small. Contact me.

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